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Grief is work.

Grief work takes support.

Welcome to Grief Work Support

What is Grief Work Support?

 Grief Work Support is the space we make for anyone anticipating, experiencing, processing, or reflecting on death, non-death loss, and other changes or transitions.


Contrary to popular belief, there are no stages, tasks, rules, timelines, or formulas for how, when, and how long to grieve. There is no right, wrong, or "normal" way to feel about loss or change, and there is no right, wrong, or "normal" way to process it.​


Grief Work Support meets you where you are without judgments or agendas, and using story, ritual, and other means that resonate, Grief Work Support helps you make meaning, commemorate, and heal in a world that is fundamentally and irrevocably changed for you.


Grief Work Support is also designed to help hold you up as you begin to anticipate and confront the practical matters of your own mortality like estate and funeral planning as well as making decisions for end of life care.

Grief Work Support

is a Covid-conscious practice.​
All individual and group sessions are conducted remotely.

In the event that organizational sessions must be held in person, please note the following policy:

In solidarity with disabled, immunocompromised, chronically ill, elderly, and other vulnerable people and communities, and in alignment with disability justice and Covid-conscious community standards, any in-person meetings or events require adherence to the most inclusive policies and practices for reducing spread of airborne illness.

This includes universal high-filtration masking at all times, hosting in outdoor or well-ventilated spaces that are wheelchair accessible, and capping attendance to allow for social distancing.

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